Bercoff Klember herbal tea Nine herbs HB 30 g
Code: LMTPT605056Product detailed description
Traditional herbal tea portioned in infusion bags. The tea recipe is based on the traditional recipes of grandmothers. Pack of 20 bags.
Not given.
Name or trade name and address of the distributor
KLEMBER a SPOL, s.r.o., Jesenského 1204/2, 929 01 Dunajská Streda, tel./fax: +421/31552 58 84, Slovak Republic,
Country of origin< /p>
Made in Slovakia.
Instructions for use
Leave the tea bag to infuse in a covered container for 8-10 minutes in 0.25 l of hot (90⁰C) water. It is recommended to drink 2-3 cups of tea per day, freshly prepared, sweetened with honey as needed. The decoction from the mixture, even with its positive effects, does not replace a varied diet or the observance of a rational lifestyle. Always use a new tea bag to prepare a quality drink. Do not give to children under 3 years of age.
Name of the food
Nine-herb herbal tea.
Net quantity
Weight: 30 g, 20 double-chamber bags of 1.5 g.
Special conditions of storage and/or use
Store in a dry place.< br>
Best before date
Minimum shelf life 3 months.
Nutritional data/unit
Not given.
Amount of ingredients
Lemon grass, honeydew, chamomile, peppermint, ginger, fennel fruit, rooibos, lavender flower, nettle (Cymbopogon winterianus, Melissae officinale, Matricaria chamomilla, Menthae pip., Zingiber officinale, Fructus foeniculi, Aspalathus linearis, Lavender flos, Urticae folium).
Additional parameters
Category: | Herbal teas |
Brand: | Klember |
Number of pieces in the package: | 1 kus |
Quantity in the package: | 1 KS |
Kind of: | - |
Druh čaju: | bylinné |
alchemilka: | nie |
aníz: | nie |
arónia: | nie |
baza: | nie |
bergamot: | nie |
borievka: | nie |
breza: | nie |
broskyňa: | nie |
brusnica: | nie |
čakanka: | nie |
čerešňa: | nie |
červená ríbezľa: | nie |
černica: | nie |
cezmína (yerba maté): | nie |
citrónová tráva: | áno |
citrón: | nie |
čierna ríbezľa: | nie |
čučoriedka: | nie |
cvikla: | nie |
divozel: | nie |
echinacea: | nie |
eukalyptus: | nie |
fenikel: | áno |
granátové jablko: | nie |
grapefruit: | nie |
hluchavka: | nie |
hruška: | nie |
ibištek: | nie |
ihlica tŕnitá: | nie |
jablko: | nie |
jahoda: | nie |
jasmín: | nie |
kurkuma: | nie |
levanduľa: | áno |
limetka: | nie |
lipa: | nie |
malina: | nie |
mandarinka: | nie |
mango: | nie |
marakuja: | nie |
marhuľa: | nie |
mäta: | áno |
materina dúška: | nie |
med: | nie |
medovka: | áno |
medvedica: | nie |
melón: | nie |
nevädza: | nie |
pomaranč: | nie |
prietržník: | nie |
rakytník: | nie |
rasca: | nie |
repík lekársky: | nie |
rooibos: | áno |
rumanček kamilkový: | áno |
ruža: | nie |
šalvia: | nie |
šípka: | nie |
škorica: | nie |
sladovka (sladké drievko): | nie |
slivka: | nie |
tymián: | nie |
vanilka: | nie |
višňa: | nie |
zázvor: | áno |
žihľava: | áno |
zlatobyľ: | nie |